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The hublot replica are unelected by the tennis star Andre Agassi.

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Of course, communication infrastructure is one of the first targets of any invading military force to control or destroy. Therefore, one may say, a nationwide cellular network would not survive the depredations of any military force.

Do you know where these videodiss are now and who controls them? It would be fun to dig them out and set up the turntable thing again for a showing somewhere, or at least put the panoramic photos on the Internet.

Also there are low-cost devices now such that anyone can take 360 degree panoramas just like your device allowed. For example:

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About Lee Felsenstein

  • Based in Silicon Valley, Lee currently does electronic product development, due diligence, expert witness assistance as well as speaking engagements and participation in conferences such as the O'Reilly Emerging Technology conferences. The most unusual places he has spoken were at the Waag in Amsterdam and a squat in Milan, Italy. He was named the 2007 "Editor's Choice" in the Awards for Creative Excellance made by EE Times magazine. He holds 12 patents to date.
