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printing box manufacturer

I wonder how you got so good. This is really a fascinating blog, lots of stuff that I can get into. One thing I just want to say is that your Blog is so perfect!


Laptops are indeed necessary for the higher levels of the educational process - but don't forget you have to start simple.

Luke Crawford

hm. I have tried to make smartphones work with external, fold-out bluetooth keyboards. The big problem I had was holding the smartphone in a way that I could easily see the screen. I doubt it's a hard problem- most of the bluetooth keyboards come with cradles, but they fit poorly. I imagine I could have fixed it with some adhesive
and some velcro.

I think your idea is a good one, though, most smartphones are more powerful than the tandy model 100 I went through school with, so I'm sure your standard used smartphone is powerful enough to be useful as a general computer. I think all the components are commercially available; it's just that you need a good form factor before it's reasonable
to use it as a computer.


Hi Lee,

This is a very stimulating post.

Here's another idea: How about encouraging mobile phone providers and/or operators to include basic literacy and numeracy apps on the phones they sell in various places?

Even many low end phones include basic applications like calendaring, a calculator, and of course games ... requiring folks to connect to a network may be enough of a hurdle to greatly inhibit use of additional applications by many people (especially the target group here).

I am not saying that this idea is without flaws (and can of course think of all sorts of reasons why something like this wouldn't work) ... but it might be an interesting idea to entertain.

As storage becomes less of an issue on phones, the inclusion of 'social good' applications (provided they are easy and fun to use, of course) on the phones people are already using (instead of a new, purpose-built device) may become increasingly viable.


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About Lee Felsenstein

  • Based in Silicon Valley, Lee currently does electronic product development, due diligence, expert witness assistance as well as speaking engagements and participation in conferences such as the O'Reilly Emerging Technology conferences. The most unusual places he has spoken were at the Waag in Amsterdam and a squat in Milan, Italy. He was named the 2007 "Editor's Choice" in the Awards for Creative Excellance made by EE Times magazine. He holds 12 patents to date.
